business and companies directory on-line where you´ll be able to find different products and services from each company. This Directory includes as many categories as you may need for your site. There are also a user area from where they will be able to annunce and to comprise of the directory of companies.
This product includes:
Functionalities of the industralist:
1) Possibility of promoting itself in more than an enterprise activity at the same time.
2) It can show his exact physical location through Google Maps.
3) It has a space to create web page easily.
- An assistant allows to change the appearance of the Web in only a click.
- He has a gallery of designs between which to choose.
- A form of contact with Code of verification Contains (Captcha).
Functionalities of the user:
1) General finder of the Web
2) Finder of companies by categories.
3) Contact with companies through its Web, telephone, email and direction.
4) Capacity to announce and to comprise of the directory of companies.
Functionalities of the administrator:
1) Limitless creation of categories to include companies.
2) Related categories: each category has a listing of related categories that allows that the user to always at sight a listing of categories that are related to the companies that it is looking for.
3) Categories with publishing manifolds of contents.
4) Administration of Companies: total control on the content of the announced companies.
5) Abuse control filter: any change on the content of the companies happens through the administrator to be able to update itself.
6) Limitless pages to create all the content.
7) Contact Form related to ECRM.